30 | Simply Tech LIVE | Invincible Expresso - A Connected Experience with Azure Sphere

Today's episode features a new collaboration project, the audio recording of a LinkedIn Live Video Broadcast that a colleague and I created, co-host Ali Mazaheri, the director of the Microsoft Technology Center in Irvine. Simply Tech Live is a LIVE broadcast, focusing on the evolving landscape of technology through the lens of Microsoft focus areas, our partner ecosystem, and our customers.


"Invincible Expresso: A connected experience with Azure Sphere", features Phil Heine from Avnet. Phil is currently the director of Global Business Development at Avnet, where's has spent over 17  years of his career in roles ranging from engineering, sales, business development, and now product management. Avnet is a global distributor, solution provider, designer, and engineering firm with more than 15,000 employees in over 140 countries worldwide. Their vertical segments include everything from electronics manufacturing and consumer devices, all the way to healthcare and energy.  Avnet also became the sole distributor of Azure Sphere just over a year ago, and businesses are taking full advantage of the secure IoT environment that it enables. You'll quickly understand why we call this expresso invincible, but it's founded on capabilities that Azure Sphere enhances. Azure Sphere, is a micro controller unit, or MCU, with built in security and high performance operability right on the chip, including a MSFT operating system, as well as a security service that is designed to guard it's connected ecosystem from emerging threats.